
May 3, 2024 I just presented a Pre-Conference talk for AAMAS 2024 at the School of Computing and Information Systems at SMU. Slides are available.
Apr 26, 2024 Our paper “HiSOMA: A Hierarchical Multi-Agent Model Integrating Self-Organizing Neural Networks with Multi-Agent Deep Reinforcement Learning” has been accepted by the Expert Systems with Applications Journal. Thank the editors and reviewers for the highly efficient review process! I am very happy to get my first journal paper! Please visit this website to access this paper.
Apr 10, 2024 I will present three of our latest work at the International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS) 2024, including two main track papers and a doctoral consortium paper about the plan of my PhD thesis! See you later in Auckland!
Dec 19, 2023 The pre-print of our work “HiSOMA: A Hierarchical Multi-Agent Model Integrating Self-Organizing Neural Networks with Multi-Agent Deep Reinforcement Learning” is available online!
Nov 11, 2023 This website is launched! :sparkles: :smile: