Minghong GENG's Homepage

PhD Candidate of CS at Singapore Management University.


Neural and Cognitive Computing Group

School of Computing and Information Systems (SCIS)

Singapore Management University (SMU)

80 Stamford Road, Singapore 178902

Greetings, I am Minghong GENG, a dedicated PhD candidate at Singapore Management University under the esteemed guidance of Professor Ah-Hwee TAN. Currently, my research endeavors are concentrated on the studies of scaling up Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning (MARL). Delving into the complexities of large-scale multi-agent systems, my work seeks to push the boundaries of intelligent collaboration and learning in expansive environments.


May 3, 2024 I just presented a Pre-Conference talk for AAMAS 2024 at the School of Computing and Information Systems at SMU. Slides are available.
Apr 26, 2024 Our paper “HiSOMA: A Hierarchical Multi-Agent Model Integrating Self-Organizing Neural Networks with Multi-Agent Deep Reinforcement Learning” has been accepted by the Expert Systems with Applications Journal. Thank the editors and reviewers for the highly efficient review process! I am very happy to get my first journal paper! Please visit this website to access this paper.
Apr 10, 2024 I will present three of our latest work at the International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS) 2024, including two main track papers and a doctoral consortium paper about the plan of my PhD thesis! See you later in Auckland!
Dec 19, 2023 The pre-print of our work “HiSOMA: A Hierarchical Multi-Agent Model Integrating Self-Organizing Neural Networks with Multi-Agent Deep Reinforcement Learning” is available online!
Nov 11, 2023 This website is launched! :sparkles: :smile:

Selected Publications

  1. HiSOMA: A hierarchical multi-agent model integrating self-organizing neural networks with multi-agent deep reinforcement learning
    Minghong GengShubham Pateria, Budhitama Subagdja, and Ah-Hwee Tan
    Expert Systems with Applications, Oct 2024
  2. Scaling up Cooperative Multi-agent Reinforcement Learning Systems
    Minghong Geng
    In Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, May 2024
  3. Explaining Sequences of Actions in Multi-agent Deep Reinforcement Learning Models
    Khaing Phyo Wai, Minghong Geng, Budhitama Subagdja, Shubham Pateria, and Ah-Hwee Tan
    In Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, May 2024
  4. Benchmarking MARL on Long Horizon Sequential Multi-Objective Tasks
    Minghong GengShubham Pateria, Budhitama Subagdja, and Ah-Hwee Tan
    In Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, May 2024
  5. Towards Explaining Sequences of Actions in Multi-Agent Deep Reinforcement Learning Models
    Khaing Phyo Wai, Minghong Geng, Budhitama Subagdja, Shubham Pateria, and Ah-Hwee Tan
    In Proceedings of the 2023 International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, May 2023